Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Privileged Planet- DVD featuring Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards

The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery is a DVD supplementing the far more comprehensive work involved in the book of the same name in which Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards substantiate claims of scientific evidence for intelligent design.

While many oppose that the claims are in fact scientific or empirically valid, the interlocutors fail to recognize (or hide the fact) that science, even rigidly empirically validated phenomenon, are in themselves not "irrefutable" proof in that accepted science depends on inductive reasoning.  Inductive reasoning is science speak or rather a philosophical term for trusting in the validity of conclusions based on evidence that cannot be deductively reasoned. To use a theological term it is synonymous with "faith".

'Paul Davis, a brilliant physicist at ASU says "that the right scientific attitude" now listen to this, Paul Davis is not a theist- "the right scientific attitude is essentially theological, science can only proceed if the scientist adopts an essentially theological worldview, even the most atheistic scientist accepts as an act of faith the existence of a law-like order in nature that is, at least in part, comprehensible to us." Einstein said " I cannot imagine the scientist without that profound faith"- note the word" John Lennox

The claims range from the reality that so much knowledge has been gained from a simple solar eclipse to the far more complex evidence from "Big Bang Cosmology". Topics such as the "Anthropic Principle"  and the "Fine Tuning of the Universe" are all part of the compelling evidence presented in their careful analysis.

The extensive work led these two to conclude that not only does the Earth sit in a "Goldilox Zone" which is just right for complex carbon-based life, but that the same criteria that make it suitable for humanity also just happen to render our place in the Universe a most optimal place with just the right parameters for observing the starry host.

From the history of science many skeptics drew the conclusion that the Theological underpinning of human knowledge appeared to have suffered a mortal blow during the Copernican revolution. The revelation that the Universe, or rather the Solar System did not revolve around the Earth did not only unseat the long held Ptolemaic System but also had far reaching impacts for the authority of the Church. But as Richards and Gonzalez point out this was not merely the view of Theologians of the time, but this was a common consensus among both the Church and the natural philosophers (early scientists). Conceding that the Earth is not the centre in a geo-spatial context in no way detracts from the many optimal conditions that exist on Earth and in its place in the Solar System and the Galaxy we call home that these two have done a thorough work advocating that indeed the Earth is a "Privileged Planet"

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