Saturday, May 25, 2019

Divide And Conquer- The Crowded Field of Christian Parties

Don't Do It- To the faithful of New Zealand, don't fall into the trap of splitting the Christian and Conservative vote again. People have short memories. The New Zealand conservative vote is powerful enough to move the political scene to the right as is occurring in nations of Europe, has occurred most recently in Australia, has happened in the U.S. and has every opportunity to happen here in "God'zone". If we can maintain some unity, if we can learn to work together and forget our internal differences long enough to recognize that though our differences are important, they should be kept where they belong as an "in house" dissension. We should be united against those things that threaten our freedoms, both the freedoms of Christians and people of goodwill throughout NZ.

If you have concerns that NZ has taken a wrong turn in many ways and is becoming a culture of convenience, a culture that favours every minority except the Christian voice, keep conservative politics from splintering and fragmenting by following those that represent the broadest Christian voice. But beware, the left leaning media, the left political sphere, are all too aware of the advantage of fragmenting the Christian vote. They will continue to encourage Christian based parties, conservative parties to fill the field with as many different parties as possible, and thereby render our vote ineffective.

Ask the question: What would prevent the conservative, the Christian vote from gaining a place in NZ government? The answer is encourage, publicize, or puff any whiff of a new Christian or conservative party according to the well rehearsed principle of divide and conquer. Don't be tempted by this ploy. Cast your Christian or conservative vote for the party with the widest appeal to the concerns of the conservative right. Get behind the broadest of the Christian parties. Don't fall for negative voices that propose a vote for a Christian party is a wasted vote. It is never wrong to vote for timeless values. It is always right to vote with your conscience -not necessarily with your wallet in mind.

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